Electronic Document Management System
The Electronic Document Management System is a powerful tool in the implementation of a control and management of the document assets of public and private institutions in the form of folders, files, books or boxes, by simply check what is the correct type of smart RFID label to be attached to all document.
How it works?
From the web application, users register in the system quantitative and qualitative aspects of the important sets of documents, including its storage location, responsible, media type, version, title, subject, description and others, besides enabling the scanning and stores the electronic document in the database. It also allows the user via the electronic inventory, update data which often change, such as location, condition, responsible and others.
From the use of fixed portals, collections of documents with smart RFID tags and users with smart RFID cards can be monitored and, automatically, the database is updated in real time, ie., the system records all history events related to each set of documents, allowing managers to accompany the document of its location and evolution, programming return of documents, discards and transfers to other centers.
The system has several reports and has a flexible database, where you can customize specific reports, export or import data from existing system on the client. In the case of public institutions is also possible to provide part or all of the data registered for consultation by any citizen as long as it has internet access.

With the approval of Law 12.527 of November 18, 2011, the Law on Access to Information, Brazil is taking another important step towards the consolidation of its democratic regime, increasing citizen participation and strengthening the instruments of control of public administration.
In regulating the Article 5, paragraph XXXIII of the Federal Constitution, Brazil ensures the citizen to exercise their right of access to information and meets the commitment made by the country with the international community in various treaties and conventions.
Brazil is already the reference for the government release information: the Transparency Portal of the Federal Government, created and administered by the CGU, has been awarded several times, national and internationally and is considered one of the most complete and detailed sites of transparency in the world. We lacked, however, a law that regulate broad access to any document or specific information sought by the citizen. The Law number 12.527 represents a paradigm shift in transparency public, because it establishes that access is the rule and secrecy the exception. Any citizen may request access to public information, ie. those not classified as confidential, as procedure observe the rules, terms, control instruments and provided resources.
The challenge now is to ensure the implementation of this law. We must face technical and technological challengesand also administrative character, including the need for financial and human resources - These, properly trained - to ensure the observance of which has the law. In addition, we have to win the culture of the confidentiality, that still constitutes a major obstacle to the opening of the governments.