Electronic Projects

The Desk Service OT AB 100 is responsible for speeding up the items loan/return process through the desk service of your library. It takes a few seconds to accomplish, liquidating queues problems and considerably reducing the service waiting time.

The Conversion Station OT EC 100 is ideal for you who want to upgrade current technology in your collection. The items in your library have barcodes? You can convert this fragile and obsolete technology in a much more secure and modern: RFID UHF technology.

About us

The Officetronic was founded in September 2005 with the goal of providing solutions to the market in Projects, Technology Services and Consulting in the areas of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Systems and Information Technology. Learn more


1000 Dr. Marino Costa Terra, T5 124
São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Zip Code: 13567-640

+55 16 3079 0285


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